About Me

Hello, it's Sonia Le, and I'm here to introduce myself. I'm a mom, a fashion designer, and the owner of Cosmochicsc. I moved from South Africa to the USA 25 years ago as an au pair and decided to make California my home.

After working in the corporate world for many years, I finally decided to pursue my passion for fashion and started my own business 9 years ago. I love teaching sewing classes and creating unique wearable art pieces.

But as much as I love my fashion business, I wanted more financial freedom and to help others achieve the same. That's why 4 years ago, I partnered with an amazing company that offers anti-aging and wellness products. Not only do these products make me feel great, but they also allow me to help others create extra income.

I'm so grateful for this opportunity to not only pursue my passion but also help others achieve their dreams. If you're looking for a way to earn extra income while feeling great, then reach out to me and let's chat!